Painted porches and decks weather like any other part of your home, if not more. Periodically, they need to be restored and repainted due to constant exposure to the elements. Fortune Restoration has learned that with regular maintenance, your porch or deck can be enjoyed for many more years to come.
Porch & Deck Restoration Rogers Park
Fortune Restoration’s porch restoration services and deck restorations services have ranged complete rebuilds to repairs. Most decks can be rejuvenated with a few steps of preparation and sealing, while others with extensive neglect and damage need to be taken down to the bare bones. Fortune Restoration has been hired in Rogers Park, Highland Park, Bucktown, and Wrigleyville to complete a variety of porch restoration projects. Porch or deck floors and stairs are not the only features that show signs of wear and tear. When damage has gone on long enough without preventative measures, railings, spindles, and posts can also start to look worn, or worse, need replacement.
Porch & Deck Restoration Oak Park
When completing a porch restoration or deck restoration project, proper preparation is vital. In order to keep your newly-painted porch or deck staying in good condition as long as possible, Fortune Restoration ensures all surfaces are prepped for proper paint or finish adhesion. Carefully scraping and sanding off the old paint is required to achieve an even surface. Fortune Restoration pays close attention to detail to ensure a quality result for your deck. Whether it’s a minor porch repair or deck repair in Wilmette or a full porch restoration or deck restoration in Oak Park, Fortune Restoration can help pull the project together.