Fortune Restoration has been a paint contractor for the Queen of All Saints Basilica on the Northside of Chicago on many occasions. Fortune Restoration’s exterior and interior painting services helped refresh the elaborate interior finishes throughout the interior of this Chicago Basilica. Fortune Restoration’s painting services have not been limited to the interior spaces of the Basilica, exterior painting has been completed for both the Church and School.
In 1929 the Calvert Club in Sauganash, a Catholic Fraternal organization, asked Cardinal Mundelein to establish a parish. The first church of Queen of All Saints was a frame portable which had served as the parish church of St. Giles in Oak Park, IL. This structure was relocated to the northwest corner of Peterson and Knox Avenues and was dedicated in June 1929.
The original rectory was at 6060 N. Kirkwood. The current parish property was purchased in sections as it grew into what it is today.
By 1940, the Keene Avenue school building was built of Wisconsin Lannon stone. The ground floor was a shared auditorium and meeting room. The first floor was the church and classrooms and the top floor held more classrooms and the Sisters’ convent. The rapid growth of the parish resulted in the building of the Lemont Avenue School building in 1946. Then, in 1950 the rectory was built and the gymnasium section was added on to the Lemont Avenue school building. Followed by the convent (now the Benedict Center) in 1952.
In 1956 the new church was started, so masses were held in the gymnasium while the church was being built. The Keene Avenue building was remodeled into more classrooms. By 1960, the new church was consecrated. Pope John XXIII elevated the church to a basilica in 1962 and in 1963 the Basilica Foundation was established.