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Every year thousands of homeowners hire professional painting contractors in Evanston. Painting is one of the most popular home improvement projects that homeowners like to undertake. Whatever the size of the project is, hiring a professional contractor will save you a lot of time and effort. When searching for a painting contractor, there is certain criteria you want to look out for. You want to choose a contractor that you can rely on for painting jobs in the future, not just a one-time paint job. But how do you find a team of painting contractors in Evanston that you can rely on?

Years Of Experience


The first question you will want to find an answer to, is how long has the contractor been in business? For over 25 years, Fortune Restoration has been trusted painting contractors in Evanston. Our experienced contractors can make recommendations on what materials will work best with your project. Our team is up to date with the latest products and techniques.

Preparation Work


When you choose a team of painting contractors in Evanston, you will want someone who will take their time in the preparation work for your project. A cheaper job will skip over prep work to cut corners. A good painting contractor will take the time to understand your project. Here at Fortune Restoration, our painting contractors will not only meet with you to go over the details of your project, we will perform color testing so that you can find the perfect shade. We want you to feel 100% confident in the color you are investing in.

Client Reviews


New to the Evanston area? A great way to find a reliable painting contractor is to read their online reviews. Reviews will provide you with honest feedback from their past clients. You can also ask to see a portfolio of their past projects. Here at Fortune Restoration, we have over 200 reviews from our clients. You can check them out here.

Formal Estimate


Painting contractors in Evanston should always provide you with a formal estimate before they begin working. A formal estimate should include the scope of the project, materials they are planning to use, and the amount of prep work. The formal estimate should come in the form of a written contract, not on the back of a business card.
Want to learn more about painting contractors in Evanston? Talk to our team of professional painters at Fortune Restoration today. Call (847) 393-8436 today.